我的是最新的g++5, homebrew 下的编译函数模版,代码:https://github.com/neo1218/Cpppppppppp/blob/master/STL/template/function_template.cpp报错如下:用 g++ function_template.cpp -o function_template -std=c++11 报同样的错。
g++ function_template.cpp -o function_template -std=c++11
What error was reported? Can’t seeI don’t have any problems here
Reinstall gcc, just use clang on mac
It’s not installed properly, but it’s no problem to compile with gcc 4.8.3
What error was reported? Can’t see
I don’t have any problems here
Reinstall gcc, just use clang on mac
It’s not installed properly, but it’s no problem to compile with gcc 4.8.3