Node.js 是一种全新的解决方案,基于V8引擎,用Javascript来写前后端的代码,天然的事件驱动,非阻塞请求,非常适合Web2.0等需要频繁写操作的网站,高并发性能卓越。目前Node.js已经发布到0.5.0,而且有越来越多的应用和插件出来,Express就是其中一款基于Node.js的MVC框架。更多关于Node.js,请关注其官方网站,或者cnode中文社区
There should be a lot more now
Just started following.
Do you have any friends who have recently learned node.js? You can create a small group to study together: 324633698.
Nodejs is mainly used as the middle layer, just like the front-end and back-end separation of node on Taobao, and the database interface has not yet been processed. Database operations still use Java. But the development potential of node is unmatched.
I hope the official nodejs on windows will come out soon