c++ 初学。因为 mac 自带的 clang 版本太老,有些功能缺失所以想用独立的 clang。但是用 homebrew 执行 brew install llvm -with--clang 之后却没有 libc++ 。想请问各位前辈是否应该再单独编译下 libc++? 或者有其他的方法吗?
Since you are learning C++, it is recommended to use an IDE. On Mac os X, clang is the default compiler after xcode4.2. Just download the latest Xcode, the clang inside is new enough.
Since you are learning C++, it is recommended to use an IDE. On Mac os X, clang is the default compiler after xcode4.2. Just download the latest Xcode, the clang inside is new enough.