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Your MySQL connection id is 411566
Server version: 5.1.30-log Source distribution
5.1.30: 不选择,没有定时备份功能,就是主从的时候,必须实时的。想定时不行
5.5.18: 理由:稳定,各个大牛公司都在用,所以我也用
Quote someone else’s answer:
Original address: http://www.oschina.net/question/147332_108175
MySQL official latest version 5.5 or 5.6. Third parties on Linux can try Percona Server.
Our company uses 5.6
Taobao used to use the original Oracle.
In the mid-term business expansion, it began to customize Mysql to build a very large data cluster.
Now we use independent research and development
. Taobao did not have a frying pan during Double Eleven because it relied on this thing.As Taobao’s business continues to grow, it is gradually replacing its own database. The replacement process is quite painful and long.
As for which version your company uses, in fact, you only need to go to the mysql official website to download a current stable version in the early stages of your project creation.
Before the database reaches a bottleneck, it is not recommended to switch database versions frequently during project operation.
dev.mysql.com uses 5.5