想尝试用C++开发后台应用程序,通过nginx转发。一切按照http://blog.csdn.net/allenlinrui/article/details/19419721 这个博客上的教程,改装的库都装了,测试例程都一样,但是却访问不了。访问地址
拥有18年软件开发和IT教学经验。曾任多家上市公司技术总监、架构师、项目经理、高级软件工程师等职务。 网络人气名人讲师,...
Telnet is not working. Check to see if it is not started or because of the firewall?
Open nginx error log logs/error. Troubleshoot again
This requires looking at the code in detail and going to the remote server to read the configuration file. It takes a lot of time to research. If you are willing to pay some fees, I am willing to help with it. QQ 343275968
Telnet is not working. Check to see if it is not started or because of the firewall?
Open nginx error log logs/error.
Troubleshoot again
This requires looking at the code in detail and going to the remote server to read the configuration file. It takes a lot of time to research. If you are willing to pay some fees, I am willing to help with it. QQ 343275968