今天在看Android的Theme的源码的时候,发现一个问题,就是注释中的这些{@link #Theme}是什么意思哦。。。是在网页显示高亮??不明白了,恳请哪位大大指导。。。
Please Google or Baidu or Bing or DuckDuckGo with the keyword "JavaDoc". Classmate, you haven’t learned Java well~
The asterisk Theme can be understood as similar to HTML...indicating a certain element called Theme in the page
@link is syntax, which means linking to the following thing
Please Google or Baidu or Bing or DuckDuckGo with the keyword "JavaDoc".
Classmate, you haven’t learned Java well~
The asterisk Theme can be understood as similar to HTML...indicating a certain element called Theme in the page
@link is syntax, which means linking to the following thing