代码的目的是让结构体里面的 List 指针指向申请的一维数组;curNumber表示目前数组里的元素个数;代码编译通过了,但是不能运行出来;求详解!
typedef struct Stack{
int * List;
int curNumber;
}Stack, *link;
int main(){
void initst(link *A);
void pus(link *A,int k);
link *A;
int k = 8;
pus(A, k);
return 0;
void initst(link *A){
*A = (link)malloc(sizeof(Stack));
(*A) -> List = (int *)malloc(4 * sizeof(int));
void pus(link *A,int k){
*((*A)-> List) = k;
printf("%d \n",*((*A) -> List));
If you want to change the pointing of a first-level pointer parameter in a function, you must use a second-level pointer
Is your A a secondary pointer? It's actually Stack **A, right?
You modified *A in initst, but you did not initialize A. A points to a random address.
It is better to define the type this way
... }Stack, *PStack;
PStack pA; // Note that pA is also a pointer!
PStack *ppA = &pA;
Your logic will modify the address stored in pA after calling initst.
Of course
PStack pA;
is more direct.