Try this: http://blog.csdn.net/mrsiz/ar…. I just follow what this person says and it will be fine.
Sublime is similar to a text editor, not that powerful. It would be better to use vs or xcode
You can consider using the sublimerepl plug-in to open the terminal directly in sublime, and then do whatever you want with g++ and gdb. sublimerepl plugin
I usually use sublime to write and compile the code, and then execute it in cmd, or execute it in gitbash, and the effect is pretty good
Try this: http://blog.csdn.net/mrsiz/ar…. I just follow what this person says and it will be fine.
Sublime is similar to a text editor, not that powerful. It would be better to use vs or xcode
You can consider using the sublimerepl plug-in to open the terminal directly in sublime, and then do whatever you want with g++ and gdb. sublimerepl plugin
I usually use sublime to write and compile the code, and then execute it in cmd, or execute it in gitbash, and the effect is pretty good