我请求的时候获取到了cookie 解析登录网站,想实现免登录的效果,携带cookie 请求数据 刚开始的时候登录进去 请求数据用效但是过了一会再点击请求数据的页面不能获取数据 我以为是cookie的有效期是临时的我用cookie.getExpiryDate() 返回的是空但是我又尝试网站登入去查看了下网站的的cookie时间居然试1年我顿时不明白是怎么回事了 请大神们帮我解答下 谢谢。
If you think about it differently, you can use js to set cookies. However, Android itself has a very convenient method for setting cookies, which you can use directly.
If you think about it differently, you can use js to set cookies. However, Android itself has a very convenient method for setting cookies, which you can use directly.