84669 person learning
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MVC 和 MVVM 的区别?各在什么场合用比较合适?
See http://segmentfault.com/q/1010000000534091?_ea=178721
http://objccn.io/issue-13-1/ You can refer to this article
The difference between MVC and MVVM - Baidu knows
Answer from stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/667781/what-is-the-difference-betwe...
A big problem with MVC in mobile applications is that...the V layer of mobile applications is usually heavier, and the C layer can easily get mixed up with the V layer
See http://segmentfault.com/q/1010000000534091?_ea=178721
http://objccn.io/issue-13-1/ You can refer to this article
The difference between MVC and MVVM - Baidu knows
Answer from stackoverflow:
A big problem with MVC in mobile applications is that...the V layer of mobile applications is usually heavier, and the C layer can easily get mixed up with the V layer