为了解决这个问题,我的想法是给客户端加一个后台线程,每过一段时间去检查服务器的可用性,如果不可用就去更新配置、重启客户端。我在网上找到一些python socks库,可以直接连接到socks proxy,不过我现在是要验证的是shdowsocks server,相当于socks proxy的server,请问用脚本如何测试其可用?
ps.虽然连接socks proxy测试也可以达到目的,我仍然想知道测试shadowsocks服务器的方法。
httpclient2 or requesocks are http clients that can use socks proxy. You can directly use google.com for verification
Or, why can’t we just put a supervisord directly on the server to monitor the shadowsocks process?
The purpose of the shadowsocks server is to allow clients to connect and have a better experience, so the test must also be tested through the client. As for the test of the server, it is nothing more than CPU/memory/bandwidth Consider these aspects.