mysql source命令如何把日志记录到文件里面
Run in mysql shell before execution
tee output.log
After that, the output of any command you run will be printed in it. output.log is the file you want, with any name and any path
You can use expect. For example, I often use this script:
#!/usr/bin/env expect if {$argc<2} { send_user "Usage: $argv0 sql_file database" exit } set sql_file [lindex $argv 0] set database [lindex $argv 1] spawn mysql -u root -p expect "password:" send "你的密码\r" expect "mysql>" send "create database $database CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;\r" expect "mysql>" send "use $database;\r" expect "mysql>" send "source $sql_file;\r" expect "mysql>" send "show tables;\r" expect "mysql>" send "quit;\r" expect eof
Then, just import a database and log: path/to/sqlfile.sql some_database >> import.log
Run in mysql shell before execution
After that, the output of any command you run will be printed in it. output.log is the file you want, with any name and any path
You can use expect. For example, I often use this
script:Then, just import a database and log: