最开始使用hexo时用的是默认的landscape主题,本地修改-部署到远端-访问都没问题。后来觉得这个主题不好看,换了indigo主题,本地修改和访问都没有问题,然后就部署到远端,发现没报错,就去我的Github上打开网站发现还是原来的主题。下图是我后来重新hexo g;hexo d出现的命令,和git有关但我不太懂git。这里是部署到github上的代码,其中Hexo-blog是本地代码,hexo/Hexo-blog是部署到github上的代码。恳请指导!谢谢!!!!!!!
Delete the public folder and then execute hexo d -g
You can try, first execute hexo clean, then hexo g, then hexo d
First try hexo clean and then hexo g -dThe effect of clearing public is that hexo clean is equivalent to clearing public static files and regenerating and deploying. hexo generate hexo deploy abbreviation hexo g -d
Delete the public folder and then execute hexo d -g
You can try, first execute hexo clean, then hexo g, then hexo d
First try hexo clean and then hexo g -d
The effect of clearing public is that hexo clean is equivalent to clearing public static files and regenerating and deploying.
hexo generate hexo deploy abbreviation hexo g -d