Linux上面很多新版本的软件都将配置文件分割了,这已经是一种风格了,比如说环境变量配置文件/etc/profile就有扩展配置文件夹/etc/profile.d,apache也是,除了主配置文件httpd.conf之外,http.conf还include了conf.d(不知道有没有记错)目录下面的所有以conf结尾的文件,所以你看到配置文件中的include, you need to understand what it means!
Finally, please choose an answer if you feel you understand it. Don’t leave it unanswered even if you know the answer
1. Use find, locate and other commands to find all my.cnf files. If there are multiple my.cnfs, some are not loaded and only one is loaded. 2. If the real my.cnf file does not have a bind address, it means your my.cnf has not been written, which is equivalent to commenting it out. You can write it yourself and then restart mysql.
Your configuration files are in these two directories:
Find some newer tutorials that are more suitable for your system, such as:
How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on Ubuntu 16.04
That’s it, you can write a copy of /etc/mysql/my.cnf yourself and put it there.
Can display the reading order of mysql configuration files.
, you need to understand what it means!Finally, please choose an answer if you feel you understand it. Don’t leave it unanswered even if you know the answer
1. Use find, locate and other commands to find all my.cnf files. If there are multiple my.cnfs, some are not loaded and only one is loaded.
2. If the real my.cnf file does not have a bind address, it means your my.cnf has not been written, which is equivalent to commenting it out. You can write it yourself and then restart mysql.