My opinion is that after the database simply extracts data, it needs to be processed on the business side, and writing various complex select queries affects the efficiency
select distinct q1,t1.count1,tt.q2,tt.count2 ... from t
left join (select q1,count(1) count1 from t group by q1) t1 on t1.q1 = t.q1
full join (
select distinct q2,t2.count2 from t
left join (select q2,count(1) count1 from t group by q2) t2 on t2.q1 = t.q1
) tt on tt.q2 = t.q1 ...
select a.*,b.q2,b.q2Count,c.q3,c.q3Count from
(SELECT (@n1:=@n1+1) as id,q1,count(*) AS q1Count FROM t1 GROUP BY q1) a
, (SELECT (@n2:=@n2+1) as id,q2,count(*) AS q2Count FROM t1 GROUP BY q2) b
, (SELECT (@n3:=@n3+1) as id,q3,count(*) AS q3Count FROM t1 GROUP BY q3) c
,(select @n1:=0,@n2:=0,@n3:=0) i
where and
My opinion is that after the database simply extracts data, it needs to be processed on the business side, and writing various complex select queries affects the efficiency
I feel so vulgar, waiting for God to come.
2 D 1 B 2 D 2
1 B 3 C 2 E 1