目前项目打算大改,以前用的Java+SpringMvc+Mybatis+Mysql+Maven 这一套已经很的很熟悉了,想问下有没设计更优雅的语言和框架去写后台,最好性能要棒一点,逻辑更好写一点
目前已确定还是用用上面的,只是SpringMvc 还在犹豫中,考虑是否用更简洁的
angluarjs+nodejs+npm+mongodb This is good
PHP is the best language, Laravel is the most elegant PHP framework =>
Laravel has elegant writing style but relatively few documents.
thinkphp has very comprehensive documentation and many reference examples
Laravel is the most elegant framework I have come across. As for the language, it’s hard to say. Python?
Speaking of elegance: Of course it’s python’s django
If you don’t want to change the language, you can try jfinal
Python’s various frameworks are also good choices
Which one is proficient and written must be the most elegant for you
php or python are both popular backend languages
Try Grails
Functional Programming Lambda