数据库down下一个200M的sql文件准备做测试,求一个导入数据库的方法;Tips:cli下用source 导入直接导致server断掉,亲测用工具SQLyog一样不行另,修改了my.inimax_allowed_packet=500M重启mysql后没起到作用,也很奇怪
拥有18年软件开发和IT教学经验。曾任多家上市公司技术总监、架构师、项目经理、高级软件工程师等职务。 网络人气名人讲师,...
There is a tool that can split large sql data files into multiple files according to a certain size such as 10M. The data structure file is in a separate file. You can search it online. The name is SQLDumpSplitter
Can the data source be imported again? Direct
mysqldump -u -p -P > *.sql mysql -u -p -P < *.sql
How fast is this
Modify wait_timeout=2880000interactive_timeout = 2880000max_allowed_packet = 20M --This parameter cannot be set too large.
There is a tool that can split large sql data files into multiple files according to a certain size such as 10M. The data structure file is in a separate file. You can search it online. The name is SQLDumpSplitter
Can the data source be imported again?
How fast is this
interactive_timeout = 2880000
max_allowed_packet = 20M --This parameter cannot be set too large.