84669 person learning
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48569 person learning
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想問問因為我之前是買bluehost主機都幫你裝好了,啥都不用裝就可以爽爽用但最近買了linode主機想裝裝看能不能跟bluehost一樣的操作環境,就像cpanel的介面!想問我該怎麼做才對?!一些基本功能 比如說 phpmyadmin/mysql/php......
Just install it directly with apt, such as sudo apt install php mysql-server如果不知道你想要安裝的程序的名稱,可以用 apt search,如 apt search mysql
sudo apt install php mysql-server
apt search
apt search mysql
You can consider the one-click installation package from the command linehttps://lnmp.org/
If you want a control panel, you need to install it separately
This is traditional Chinese characters! Few people use traditional Chinese characters anymore! Generally, you can access the web page after installing lnmp or lamp architecture
Just install it directly with apt, such as
sudo apt install php mysql-server
apt search
,如apt search mysql
You can consider the one-click installation package from the command line
If you want a control panel, you need to install it separately
This is traditional Chinese characters! Few people use traditional Chinese characters anymore! Generally, you can access the web page after installing lnmp or lamp architecture