From the information provided, if you just want to simply output the article ID and the corresponding attribute 10086 and attribute 12580 values, then the following simple SQL can be achieved
meta1.meta_value AS meta_key10086,
meta2.meta_value AS meta_key12580
FROM wp_posts AS art
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS meta1
ON meta1.post_id = AND meta1.meta_key = '10086'
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS meta2
ON meta2.post_id = AND meta2.meta_key = '12580'
m1 as (select * from meta where meta_key = '10086'),
m2 as (select * from meta where meta_key = '12580')
select case m1.post_id
when null then m2.post_id else m1.post_id end as post_id,
m1.meta_value as meta_key_10086,
m2.meta_value as meta_key_12580
from m1 full join m2
on m1.post_id = m2.post_id and
m1.meta_key='10086' and
From the information provided, if you just want to simply output the article ID and the corresponding attribute 10086 and attribute 12580 values, then the following simple SQL can be achieved
Do you want
this aggregate function?Try it and see if it works
full join
. Not tested: