在Ubuntu系统的文件/etc/rc.local(系统启动后,会自动执行rc.local里的程序)里加入bash /home/lic/shell_test/shutdown_on_time.sh
注:shutdown_on_time.sh的权限设置:chmod 777 shutdown_on_time.sh
#shutdown after 50 munite when open the system
standardskip=20 #规定休息时间必须超过20分钟
datenow=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M) #读取当前时间
dateold=$(awk 'NR==1{print $1}' /home/lic/shell_test/olddate.log) #读取上一次记录的时间
skip=$(expr $datenow - $dateold)
if [ $skip -gt $standardskip ]
sleep 100
notify-send "主人,你已经休息了20分钟了,可以使用电脑了"
sleep 3
notify-send "主人,你已经休息了20分钟了,可以使用电脑了"
sleep 3
notify-send "主人,你已经休息了20分钟了,可以使用电脑了"
sleep 3000
echo $datenow > /home/lic/shell_test/olddate.log
notify-send ["计算机将会在2分钟后关机"] "请及时保存已修改的文件"
sleep 3
notify-send ["计算机将会在3分钟后关机"] "请及时保存已修改的文件"
sleep 3
notify-send ["计算机将会在3分钟后关机"] "请及时保存已修改的文件"
sleep 120
shutdown now
sleep 100
notify-send "主人,还不到20分钟,你应该再休息会"
notify-send ["计算机将会在3分钟后关机"] "请及时保存已修改的文件"
sleep 3
notify-send ["计算机将会在3分钟后关机"] "请及时保存已修改的文件"
sleep 3
notify-send ["计算机将会在3分钟后关机"] "请及时保存已修改的文件"
sleep 300
shutdown now
exit 0
"This function is not implemented" What exactly is not implemented? Has the notification been implemented? Or does it just not shut down automatically?
Already installed Ubuntu, are you afraid that your children will play web games and steam?
The shutdown command requires sudo permissions.
sudo visudo
Add shutdown to password-free, and add sudo in front of it when calling.In addition, my general approach to self-starting programs is
1 Use Ubuntu's "Startup Applications" management, this is simple.
2 Write systemd or sys v service script