程序运行返回Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: Item cannot be cast to java.lang.Comparable.
public class LinkListTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SortedSet<Item> oo = new TreeSet<>();
oo.add(new Item("afang", 1011));
oo.add(new Item("fangjie", 1222));
oo.add(new Item("fangfang", 889));
SortedSet<Item> sortedByDes = new TreeSet<>(new
Comparator<Item>() {
public int compare(Item a, Item b) {
String desA = a.getDescription();
String desB = b.getDescription();
return desA.compareTo(desB);
class Item {
private String description;
private int id;
public Item(String aDes, int aId) {
description = aDes;
id = aId;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
Directly let the item implement the Comparable interface
This exception is a type conversion exception
SortedSet<Item> sortedByDes = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<Item>() {…}
Polymorphism must be a subclass object converted to a parent Class object, new Comparator<Item> is a subclass of Comparable, and the class Item {...} you wrote is not a subclass of Comparable, so a type conversion error will occur. The solution is to make your Item implement the Comparable interface#🎜🎜. #