The shortcut keys are different on Linux and Windows, Ctrl + C、 Ctrl + V是Windows的习惯。第一次运行的时候intellij可能会询问你要使用哪套快捷键,如果之后想修改,可以点击菜单栏File- Settings,或者使用快捷键Ctrl + Alt + S
Then search for Key or Keymap and enter the Keymap setting interface. At the top, you can select the default Linux/Windows/Emacs/vim and other solutions.
Generally, you may be familiar with eclipse before using intelliJ. In fact, there is no difference between the two. This article can help you quickly transfer from eclipse to intellij:- Some experience in transferring from Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA
In fact, a good tool should be one that people know how to use as soon as they get it. IntelliJ is like this kind of good tool. You don’t need to learn it specially. You will get used to it as you use it, and you will find that it becomes more and more useful. like.
The shortcut keys are different on Linux and Windows,

Ctrl + C
、Ctrl + V
是Windows的习惯。第一次运行的时候intellij可能会询问你要使用哪套快捷键,如果之后想修改,可以点击菜单栏File- Settings,或者使用快捷键Ctrl + Alt + S
Then search for Key or Keymap and enter the Keymap setting interface. At the top, you can select the default Linux/Windows/Emacs/vim and other solutions.

Generally, you may be familiar with eclipse before using intelliJ. In fact, there is no difference between the two. This article can help you quickly transfer from eclipse to intellij:- Some experience in transferring from Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA
In fact, a good tool should be one that people know how to use as soon as they get it. IntelliJ is like this kind of good tool. You don’t need to learn it specially. You will get used to it as you use it, and you will find that it becomes more and more useful. like.
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F1 help, ALT + CTRL + S has setting key
Local installation directory:
C:Program Files (x86)JetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA 15.0.2helpReferenceCard.pdf
OR ReferenceCardForMac.pdf comes with shortcut keys