There is no concept of "type" for files in Linux/unix (not character device files, block device files, etc.), and there is no extension in Windows. The file type has not changed (the first - that is, ordinary file), it has changed to exec just because the permissions have changed
-rw-r--r-- 1 Jason staff 147 Feb 28 15:00 Podfile
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 Jason staff 254 Feb 24 07:05 Podfile
A brief explanation: x means executable, rw means reading and writing as the name suggests. Three groups represent owner group other. MAC Many files will have the x attribute added inexplicably after being downloaded from the Internet. You can try to use the command in the terminal to modify it to the original permissions. Podfile should be -rw-r--r--. The following commands can be modified:
$ chmod 644 file name
There may be some risks in modifying file permissions. I modified it and found no problems.
We will deal with the issue of @ below
The file permissions may end up with . and @ representing acl and extensible metadata attributes@: just some additional information, such as the download link to describe the file, etc. Most likely in the Podfile is xxx...;Safari;xxx-xxx...
The meaning is obvious. If you downloaded it from Safari, you can use the following command to delete it.
represents all files, you can also specify the file name
xattr -d *
Now the file looks exactly like the one you created.
If there is a lot of description information, the command does not seem to provide parameters to delete all. But it can be removed with a few lines of shell script + regular expressions. I don't think it's much so I won't provide it. Specific usage of chmod
There is no concept of "type" for files in Linux/unix (not character device files, block device files, etc.), and there is no extension in Windows.
The file type has not changed (the first - that is, ordinary file), it has changed to exec just because the permissions have changed
A brief explanation: x means executable, rw means reading and writing as the name suggests.
There may be some risks in modifying file permissions. I modified it and found no problems.Three groups represent owner group other.
MAC Many files will have the x attribute added inexplicably after being downloaded from the Internet.
You can try to use the command in the terminal to modify it to the original permissions. Podfile should be -rw-r--r--.
The following commands can be modified:
The meaning is obvious. If you downloaded it from Safari, you can use the following command to delete it.The file permissions may end up with . and @ representing acl and extensible metadata attributes@: just some additional information, such as the download link to describe the file, etc.
Most likely in the Podfile is
If there is a lot of description information, the command does not seem to provide parameters to delete all. But it can be removed with a few lines of shell script + regular expressions. I don't think it's much so I won't provide it.
Specific usage of chmod
I don’t know, but it can be opened, such as Atom