Spymemcached is an asynchronous, single-threaded Memcached client developed in Java. Add this dependency to indicate that the project needs to use this function.
Comparison with ordinary Java Project: Equivalent to 1. Create a new lib folder 2. Import the 2.9.0 version jar package of spymemcached and all the dependencies of the version of the project 3. Add to classpath
Spymemcached is an asynchronous, single-threaded Memcached client developed in Java.
Add this dependency to indicate that the project needs to use this function.
Reference: https://github.com/springside/springside...
Comparison with ordinary Java Project:
Equivalent to
1. Create a new lib folder
2. Import the 2.9.0 version jar package of spymemcached and all the dependencies of the version of the project
3. Add to classpath