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I have never used a horizontal UITableView. To make this kind of interface, I usually write a scrollView and multiple UITableViews...
Let’s try it firstself.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets, okay?
Then, have you used something like IQKeyboardManager to automatically manage the keyboard...
collectionView + tableView.
Because when using UITableView, the input box will automatically scroll to the middle of the screen. I have not tried the solution. It should not be as complicated as mentioned above.
I have never used a horizontal UITableView. To make this kind of interface, I usually write a scrollView and multiple UITableViews...
Let’s try it first
, okay?Then, have you used something like IQKeyboardManager to automatically manage the keyboard...
collectionView + tableView.
Because when using UITableView, the input box will automatically scroll to the middle of the screen. I have not tried the solution. It should not be as complicated as mentioned above.