一般使用mongoengine会查询符合条件的所有的文档(即文档里的所有字段都会查询出来),现在只想查出文档里的部分字段, 并且保持查询效率不能降低
问题补充:这里提到的问题是使用django + mongoengine模块来查询mongodb数据库, 不是直接使用类似pymongo这样的模块来查询,如何查出部分字段, 并保持较高效率?
Use the second parameter of find. Data
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56ceaff4a442fd22fec343ce"), "edit_info" : { "edited_on" : ISODate("2010-02-25T07:40:36.017Z"), "edited_by" : NumberLong(137), "original" : ObjectId("56ceaff4a442fd22fec343ce"), "previous" : null }, "type" : "problem", "schema_version" : 1 }
Query statement
Query results
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56ceaff4a442fd22fec343ce"), "block_type" : "problem" }
Create an index when reading more and writing less.
# comments - skip 5, limit 10 Page.objects.fields(slice__comments=[5, 10])
The fields method of the QuerySet class can only get the required fields
Use the second parameter of find.
Query statement
Query results
Create an index when reading more and writing less.
The fields method of the QuerySet class can only get the required fields