我是在一个navigation controller - Tab controller - navigationcontroller- viewcontroller 再push到子界面,我是在tab controller里首页贴合view加了个scrollview,再在scrollview里加了view,scrollview里的view和控件都是按self.view来设置约束的,然后控件push返回的时候造成前后页面控件位置发生变化,不知道什么原因,是因为tabBarcontroller 里有两个导航栏控制器吗?
Try setting it up on all pages?
Has the poster solved this problem? I encountered it today and I’m so confused
Page layout problem? Maybe try tabController first, then navgitionController? Add navgitionController to tabController?
It’s the first time I see nav and add tab, and tab and nav
Just post the code without saying anything
(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {