package com.iflytek.tts;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;
import com.iflytek.tts.TtsService.Tts;
import com.iflytek.tts.R;
public class TtsJniDemo extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener {
//在lib目录下有AisoundDemo.so 文件
private static final String TAG = "AisoundDemo";
private TextView txtView;
private String text = "ياخشىمۇسىز";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// ui
TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText);
Button startButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.startButton);
Button stopButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.stopButton);
if (!editText.getText().toString().equals("")){
text = editText.getText().toString();
// tts
Tts.JniSetParam(1282, -11000);//1282可能是 调整语速的id 后面的-11000 是它的值。 比如Tts.JniSetParam(1282, -15000); 改成这个就说话速度快了。
// Tts.JniSetParam(1280, 4); 这个是别的参数 看看改4 这个数字看看 我也不知道是什么
// Tts.JniSetParam(1297, 20); 这个是别的参数 看看改20 这个数字看看 我也不知道是什么
// Tts.JniSetParam(1282, 20000); 这个是别的参数 看看改20000 这个数字看看 我也不知道是什么
public void onClick(View v) {
switch (v.getId()){
case R.id.startButton:
case R.id.stopButton:
public void onClickStop(){
public void onClickStart(){
//JniSpeak参数是文字 给什么文字就读什么文字。 此代码只是维吾尔语言的离线合成。
//1。在这儿关闭语音助手的识别 stoplistening
// stoplistening
do {
//2.这个的作用是 等到 语音合成结束时前 不要执行任何事情
}while (Tts.JniIsPlaying()==0);
//3.语音合成结束后 在这儿开启语音识别 starlistining .
//总结:通过1,2,3步骤可以实习 对助手说 你好 它回答 我好 的时候 这个“我好”防止被语音识别再一次听到自己的声音。 第3步是 说完 “我好” 后自动就开启识别了。等待用户再一次说话。 这和地方在用户多轮交流时有用。
package com.iflytek.tts.TtsService;
//import com.iflytek.tts.MessageDemo;
import com.iflytek.tts.TtsJniDemo;
public final class Tts{
static {
public static String getString;
public synchronized static void startReadThread(TtsJniDemo ttsJniDemo){
class TtsRunThread implements Runnable {
public void run() {
Thread ttsRun = (new Thread(new TtsRunThread()));
public static native int JniGetVersion();
public static native int JniCreate(String resFilename);
public static native int JniDestory();
public static native int JniStop();
public static native int JniSpeak(String text);
public static native int JniSetParam(int paramId,int value);
public static native int JniGetParam(int paramId);
public static native int JniIsPlaying();
public static native boolean JniIsCreated();
If you compile it yourself, you won’t have this problem. If there is someone else’s library, you can use nm -Do libyourso.so to check its package structure, and then build an identical package under your src/main/java Path, change the class name to be the same as the other party
In addition, if you use someone else's, -v7a -v8a x86 x86_64 to test each individually, I have encountered this problem before, it is very unstable, sometimes it can pass and sometimes it cannot. Delete unnecessary so files and directories, test them one by one, and leave only the so files that can pass
Are you sure the problem is caused by importing the so library? If so, you can try deleting the -v7a -v8a x86 x86_64 folders and try again. Or put .so files in corresponding formats under these folders
In this way, we can’t know exactly where the problem is. I suggest you make a demo of calling so first. Write a simple method in so, which corresponds to a method in java. Check the method naming clearly and correspond one to one. First place the so file only in the armeabi folder, and then try to debug this method successfully according to some examples introduced on the Internet. If it succeeds, then try to debug your code above
No JNI_OnLoad found in
The problem is mostly caused by the inconsistency between the java package name and the function name of the C or C++ code that generates so. Did you compile your so yourself or directly copied someone else's?Isn’t this a memory overflow?