Did the view not perform automatic layout when printing? Generally, it is more reliable to use the following two macros before automatic layout
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height #define SCREEN_WIDTH [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width
Where did you print it?
My personal feeling is that you used xib and set its size to 4.7
Is this true even at the resolution of 4S? Or is this also the case on 6 Plus?
If it is this resolution on 6 Plus, have you added a 5.5-inch startup image, for example, it looks like this:
Did the view not perform automatic layout when printing? Generally, it is more reliable to use the following two macros before automatic layout
Where did you print it?
My personal feeling is that you used xib and set its size to 4.7
Is this true even at the resolution of 4S? Or is this also the case on 6 Plus?
If it is this resolution on 6 Plus, have you added a 5.5-inch startup image, for example, it looks like this: