我想做一个点击刷新验证码的功能。目前的逻辑是 fragment->oncreateview的时候,请求一次然后imageview.setImageBitmap但是在做点击刷新的时候,请求到了,setImageBitmap这句话却没有用了。请问怎么解决
If you crawl to the data, you can use a framework such as picasso to display network images, which is more convenient. There may be some problems if you use imageview directly.
imageview.setImageBitmap does not support network images. . You can use various useful image loaders such as Glide/Picasso/Fresco. .
If you crawl to the data, you can use a framework such as picasso to display network images, which is more convenient. There may be some problems if you use imageview directly.
imageview.setImageBitmap does not support network images. .
You can use various useful image loaders such as Glide/Picasso/Fresco. .