做的项目吧,要求有一个签名的功能,用canvas来做,最开始弄好了,但是实现不了笔锋,后来找了一个可以实现笔锋的,但是在移动端性能又不是很好,老板反正就是说,你要给我做出那种像手机上的手写功能一样, 又要流畅,又要实现笔锋那样的效果! 咋办
Our company also uses signatures, so I wrote one that supports Bifeng. See if it meets your needs. Here is my github address. If it is good, please star it:
Don’t you use github? ..https://github.com/LiuHongtao...
Is it all java?
Our company also uses signatures, so I wrote one that supports Bifeng. See if it meets your needs. Here is my github address. If it is good, please star it:
Don’t you use github? ..
Is it all java?