Following the official operation, it has not been successful. The following is my successful experience a month ago, please refer to: Assume that you already have a development account and the application application has been approved. 1. Customize and download the basic package sdk of baidu map. After unzipping, copy BaiduMapAPI_*.framework to the root directory of the project folder. 2. Project properties, Build Phases > Link binary with libraries, add:
3. Project properties, Build Settings > 3.1 This step does not follow Baidu official documentation, keep "According to File Type" unchanged 3.2 Linking > Other Linker Flags, add -ObjC
4. Right-click menu "add files to", add mapapi.bundle file to the project: BaiduMapAPI_Map.framework/Resources/mapapi.bundle
Following the official operation, it has not been successful. The following is my successful experience a month ago, please refer to:
Assume that you already have a development account and the application application has been approved.
1. Customize and download the basic package sdk of baidu map. After unzipping, copy BaiduMapAPI_*.framework to the root directory of the project folder.
2. Project properties, Build Phases >
Link binary with libraries, add:
3. Project properties, Build Settings >
3.1 This step does not follow Baidu official documentation, keep "According to File Type" unchanged
3.2 Linking > Other Linker Flags, add -ObjC
4. Right-click menu "add files to", add mapapi.bundle file to the project:
5. Modify Info.plist and add:
5.1 https access
5.2 bundle identifier:
manager start failed: Bundle display name must be added to info.plist