def gen_private_file_share(request, repo_id):
emails = request.POST.getlist('emails', '')
s_type = request.POST.get('s_type', '')
path = request.POST.get('path', '')
perm = request.POST.get('perm', 'r')
file_or_dir = os.path.basename(path.rstrip('/'))
username = request.user.username
for email in [e.strip() for e in emails if e.strip()]:
if not is_valid_username(email):
if not is_registered_user(email):
messages.error(request, _('Failed to share to "%s", user not found.') % email)
if s_type == 'f':
pfds = PrivateFileDirShare.objects.add_read_only_priv_file_share(
username, email, repo_id, path)
next = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', None)
if not next:
next = SITE_ROOT
return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
class PrivateFileDirShare(models.Model):
from_user = LowerCaseCharField(max_length=255, db_index=True)
to_user = LowerCaseCharField(max_length=255, db_index=True)
repo_id = models.CharField(max_length=36, db_index=True)
path = models.TextField()
token = models.CharField(max_length=10, unique=True)
permission = models.CharField(max_length=5)
s_type = models.CharField(max_length=5, default='f')
objects = PrivateFileDirShareManager()
class PrivateFileDirShareManager(models.Manager):
def add_private_file_share(self, from_user, to_user, repo_id, path, perm):
path = normalize_file_path(path)
token = gen_token(max_length=10)
pfs = self.model(from_user=from_user, to_user=to_user, repo_id=repo_id,
path=path, s_type='f', token=token, permission=perm)
return pfs
def add_read_only_priv_file_share(self, from_user, to_user, repo_id, path):
return self.add_private_file_share(from_user, to_user, repo_id,
path, 'r')
pfs = self.model(from_user=from_user, to_user=to_user, repo_id=repo_id,
path=path, s_type='f', token=token, permission=perm)
No one knows what self.model() is before it is run. Only when it is run does one know what it is.
But judging from your code, only PrivateFileDirShare overrides the default manager (Manager), that is, the object of PrivateFileDirShare will be executed when the add_private_file_share method is called when using the manager
At this point we also know that self.model represents the instance object of PrivateFileDirShare