The title bar is pushed up probably because your layout file is not written correctly. I need to know how your xml is written. In addition, it is possible that it is not blocked and the RecyclerView does not slide to the bottom.
For RecyclerView, you need two configurations, one is, android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize", and the other is to add this when the code initializes RecyclerView
LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);
The title bar is pushed up probably because your layout file is not written correctly. I need to know how your xml is written. In addition, it is possible that it is not blocked and the RecyclerView does not slide to the bottom.
For RecyclerView, you need two configurations, one is,
, and the other is to add this when the code initializes RecyclerViewThe code is incomplete, please complete it
AndroidManifest sets the soft keyboard state of Activity android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden|adjustResize"
//Set the layout manager
LinearLayoutManager mManager = new LinearLayoutManager(mContext);
mManager.setStackFromEnd(true); //Key