我重新安装了系统,但是我把之前的本地仓库还在 。
service directory paht : 这个路径是我以前的本地仓库,但是我设置这样没有用 ? 这是为什么 ?
ps: 我的环境变量是直接复制路径到 path里面。没有重新设置然后用 %GRADLE_HOME% 这样的方式,但是这样应该不影响吧。
我现在的问题就是会出现 无限循环下载 jar ? 不停的下载?
In the end, you still have to download a maven, specify the local library, and then update:
build,execution,deployment: Maven - --- Repositories -- update
The gradle used by AS is not only the native gradle environment, but also requires customized gradle. This can be seen from the application configuration file.
In the end, you still have to download a maven, specify the local library, and then update:
The gradle used by AS is not only the native gradle environment, but also requires customized gradle. This can be seen from the application configuration file.