以前常用c3p0,最近搭框架,在选型,希望朋友们给点建议,hikari druid c3p0 dbcp jdbc,大家用过哪个,遇到过什么坑,有什么优劣
druid is not only a data source, but also has SQL interception and other functions. There are also strategies for migrating from c3p0 to druid online. The druid information is complete and druid is recommended.
tomcat datasource pool
hikari, now spring pushes this.
The company uses druid, which is said to have better performance
My company uses c3p0 and there have been no problems.
I have been using druid
druid, it feels pretty good
druid, I believe Alibaba’s technology is the best in BAT!
The druid used by the company is very good
Druid, not just connection pooling. Monitoring is also very powerful and easy to optimize
druid is not only a data source, but also has SQL interception and other functions. There are also strategies for migrating from c3p0 to druid online. The druid information is complete and druid is recommended.
tomcat datasource pool
hikari, now spring pushes this.
The company uses druid, which is said to have better performance
My company uses c3p0 and there have been no problems.
I have been using druid
druid, it feels pretty good
druid, I believe Alibaba’s technology is the best in BAT!
The druid used by the company is very good
Druid, not just connection pooling. Monitoring is also very powerful and easy to optimize