一般Podfile文件中都有这么一行:platform :ios, ’9.0’
Xcode创建完工程Deployment Info中:Deployment Target 现在最低可以选择 8.0
(2)它指定的系统版本和Xcode项目中指定的系统版本有什么关系?互相会冲突吗?(比如Alamofire导入需要9.0,我在Podfile文件中设为9.0,但是在项目中Deployment Target设为8.0,会出现什么问题吗?)
Take Alamofire as an example. This framework explains that it supports at least ios 9:
(1) platform :ios, '9.0' in the Podfile must be greater than or equal to 9.0 before it can be imported into the project.
(2) After importing into the project, the Deployment Target must be greater than or equal to 9.0 before it can be used.