If you are running a Linux system, there is a very simple way. Copy them and open terminal. Then echo "u00e8u0091u0089u00e7u008au00b6u00e3u0083u00a2u00e3u0083u008eu00e3u0083u009du00e3u0083u00bcu00e3u0083u00abu00e3u0082u00a2u00e3u0083u00b3u00e3u0083u0086u00e3u0083u008a"
If you are python and want to know what they use
x = u'\u00e8\u0091\u0089\u00e7\u008a\u00b6\u00e3\u0083\u00a2\u00e3\u0083\u008e\u00e3\u0083\u009d\u00e
...: 3\
...: ...: u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0083\u00ab\u00e3\u0082\u00a2\u00e3\u0083\u00b3\u00e3\u0083\u0086\u00e3\u00
...: 83\u008a'
print x
If you are running a Linux system, there is a very simple way. Copy them and open terminal. Then
echo "u00e8u0091u0089u00e7u008au00b6u00e3u0083u00a2u00e3u0083u008eu00e3u0083u009du00e3u0083u00bcu00e3u0083u00abu00e3u0082u00a2u00e3u0083u00b3u00e3u0083u0086u00e3u0083u008a"
If you are python and want to know what they use
Go to F12 on the browser and click console. Then write
You can see it by pressing Enter. .
Leaf-shaped monopole antenna (Leaf-shaped 垕子天线)
就是 html实体字符