Now I have found a manual method, open ST3's X: Sublime Text 3x64DataPackagesSublimeREPLconfigPython There are three files in it, st3 opens Main.sublime-menu. Find the code with the caption Python-Run current file, that is, we usually set it as the run python option of the shortcut key F5, and change the CMD python to the env interpreter path.
The disadvantage is that the environment cannot be transplanted. The advantage is that you know how to change it, and it is actually very convenient and simple. Just change the path to whichever virtual environment you want to use and it will be OK.
This link should solve your problem:
Using virtualenv with Sublime Text 3 and SublimeREPL
Now I have found a manual method, open ST3's X: Sublime Text 3x64DataPackagesSublimeREPLconfigPython
There are three files in it, st3 opens Main.sublime-menu. Find the code with the caption Python-Run current file, that is, we usually set it as the run python option of the shortcut key F5, and change the CMD python to the env interpreter path.
The disadvantage is that the environment cannot be transplanted. The advantage is that you know how to change it, and it is actually very convenient and simple. Just change the path to whichever virtual environment you want to use and it will be OK.