public void delete(int pos) {
Heap[pos] = Heap[size];
int current = pos;
while (hasLeaf(current)) {
if (hasDoubleLeaf(current)
&& Heap[current] > Math.min(Heap[leftChild(current)],
Heap[rightChild(current)])) {
if (Heap[leftChild(current)] < Heap[rightChild(current)]) {
swap(leftChild(current), current);
current = leftChild(current);
} else {
swap(rightChild(current), current);
current = rightChild(current);
} else if (Heap[current] > Heap[leftChild(current)]) {
swap(current, leftChild(current));
current = leftChild(current);
} else{
It is recommended to write it in recursive form. I will demonstrate it using Python-like code:
The logic of get_min is not very complicated.
It is recommended to read the source code of PriorityQueue. There are two functions: siftUp() and siftDown() internally. One is to float the element up, and the other is to sink the element. If you want to delete any node, then you need to add the node at the end. Go to the position where you want to delete the element, then sink, then float up again.
This was written casually when I was reviewing the data structure a few days ago. It has not been tested, but the main logic is still correct
Because the business logic itself is there, it is actually very difficult to reduce
branches. Moreover, the logic in each branch is not very complicated, and it does not have to be abstracted into an interface. Personal opinions are welcome Communicate