You can write it as an absolute address or a complete URL. Also check whether the web container you publish should have a project name. So unified management of static resources is a good way. Pictures/js/css should be placed in a certain folder Use nginx to configure static resources.
The problem I am encountering now is that there is no problem in the idea, but when deployed to the server, one jsp cannot find the corresponding servlet, but another one in the same position as him can!
Problem solved
There are no static resources in SpringMVC
Is yours unable to be linked in IDEA or something? I also encountered a similar problem:

Waiting for expert help to answer
You can write it as an absolute address or a complete URL. Also check whether the web container you publish should have a project name.
So unified management of static resources is a good way. Pictures/js/css should be placed in a certain folder Use nginx to configure static resources.
前面加上 /
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/system/index.js"></script>
The problem I am encountering now is that there is no problem in the idea, but when deployed to the server, one jsp cannot find the corresponding servlet, but another one in the same position as him can!
It’s really metaphysics