Idea: Triplet -> Directed graph -> Find the path of any two nodes -> Matrix multiplication or Floyd-Warshal.
For example, the foreign exchange price obtained is:
The first line indicates that every 1 yuan can be exchanged for 0.116 pounds. Each triple (c1, c2, r)对应两条带权重的边:c1 -> c2 weighted r和c2 -> c1 weighted 1/r. These quotes actually give a directed graph:
It is assumed here that the given triplet will not lead to contradictions, and the directed graph is connected (there will be no failure to convert). This directed graph is written as a weighted adjacency matrix:
Matrix elementA[i,j]表示1单位i币种可以兑换多少单位的jCurrency. Zeros in the matrix represent that the current exchange rate is unknown.
Matrix multiplication
Place the matrixA连乘可以逐步去除这些零元素。但是要把普通矩阵相乘中计算点积的加法替换成“取第一个大于零的数,若没有则为零”的操作。例如:(1,2,3).(0,3,2) = first_positive(1*0, 2*3, 3*2) = 6.
Calculate with “Exchange Rate Multiplication”A的乘方,A^k表示最多经过k-1步折算得到的汇率表,一直算到A^k中没有零停止。如果有n种货币,最多计算到A^(n-1).
Observe the first line of A^3的第一行,它是所有货币对人民币的比价。任两种货币的比价就是把它们对人民币的比价的商。所以其实一开始用A的第一行参加计算就好:A[1] * A * ... * A (最多n-1次), it is the price comparison of all currencies against the RMB. The comparison of any two currencies is the quotient of their comparison with the RMB. So in fact, just use the first line of A to participate in the calculation: A[1] * A * ... * A (up to n-1 times), each time The multiplication of row vectors and matrices is performed until all elements of the row are non-zero. The complexity of this calculation is O(n³).
Adjust the recursion relationship in the shortest path algorithmFloyd-Warshal, which can also be used for exchange rate conversion in this question. The complexity of Floyd-Warshal is Θ(n³). So matrix multiplication might be faster.
for k from 1 to rows(A)
for i from 1 to rows(A)
for j from 1 to rows(A)
if A[i][j] = 0 then
// 货币 i, j 通过货币 k 折算
A[i][j] <- A[i][k] * A[k][j]
end if
Both algorithms need to store the exchange rate matrix, so the space complexity is Θ(n²).
Idea: Triplet -> Directed graph -> Find the path of any two nodes -> Matrix multiplication or Floyd-Warshal.
For example, the foreign exchange price obtained is:
The first line indicates that every 1 yuan can be exchanged for 0.116 pounds. Each triple
(c1, c2, r)
对应两条带权重的边:c1 -> c2 weighted r
和c2 -> c1 weighted 1/r
. These quotes actually give a directed graph:It is assumed here that the given triplet will not lead to contradictions, and the directed graph is connected (there will be no failure to convert). This directed graph is written as a weighted adjacency matrix:
Matrix element
Currency. Zeros in the matrix represent that the current exchange rate is unknown.Matrix multiplication
Place the matrix
连乘可以逐步去除这些零元素。但是要把普通矩阵相乘中计算点积的加法替换成“取第一个大于零的数,若没有则为零”的操作。例如:(1,2,3).(0,3,2) = first_positive(1*0, 2*3, 3*2) = 6
.Calculate with “Exchange Rate Multiplication”
:Observe the first line of
的第一行参加计算就好:A[1] * A * ... * A (最多n-1次)
, it is the price comparison of all currencies against the RMB. The comparison of any two currencies is the quotient of their comparison with the RMB. So in fact, just use the first line ofA
to participate in the calculation:A[1] * A * ... * A (up to n-1 times)
, each time The multiplication of row vectors and matrices is performed until all elements of the row are non-zero. The complexity of this calculation is O(n³).Floyd-Warshal
Adjust the recursion relationship in the shortest path algorithmFloyd-Warshal, which can also be used for exchange rate conversion in this question. The complexity of Floyd-Warshal is Θ(n³). So matrix multiplication might be faster.
Both algorithms need to store the exchange rate matrix, so the space complexity is Θ(n²).
If an array of triples is provided, generate an optimal solution for calculating the x->y exchange rate: directed graph shortest path algorithm
If you provide a different triple array each time, you only need to get one result: directed graph pathfinding algorithm
Tuples can be used as keys of dict
Some of the algorithms above are very complicated to write. Let’s write a simple one:
The test results are as follows:
rrreeeWhat is used here is the uniqueness of the currency name. The two currencies spliced together must be unique.