运行环境:python3.x + ubuntu
def print_table(table):
max_width = 0 # 取table中最长元素
for x in table:
if len(x) > col_width:
max_width = len(x)
max_width = max_width * 2
for x in table:
print('{:{}}'.format(x, max_width) + '|')
>>> en = ['hello', 'world', 'hi', 'bug']
>>> print_table(en)
hello |
world |
hi |
bug |
>>> ch = ['上海', '北京', '黑龙江', '乌鲁木齐']
>>> print_table(ch)
上海 |
北京 |
黑龙江 |
乌鲁木齐 |
Change the font of the terminal to a fixed-width font, such as the more eye-catching Consolas, Adobe's open source font Source Code Pro...
The length of Unicode strings is calculated based on the number of characters rather than the "displayed width". A Chinese character and a Western character are both counted as 1, so they are not aligned. You can use the additional wcwidth package to calculate the number of cells occupied by a character.
The solution is to use Chinese full-width space padding, which should help you.