现在想尝试用python搭建一个web服务器,使用了tornado+sqlalchemy。那么跟我现在的了解是,在形成orm的实体类需要自己去继承并对应数据库一步步完成,有没有像java中的mybatis generator一样的工具?另外,如果我想完成高并发,那么sqlalchemy可以完成么?或者说这个过程需要注意哪些问题呢?
Python does not have a generator tool like Java. As for high concurrency, it mainly depends on the database and bottlenecks. SQLAlchemy is just an ORM mapping library, which will eventually be converted into SQL statements.
Python does not have a generator tool like Java.
As for high concurrency, it mainly depends on the database and bottlenecks. SQLAlchemy is just an ORM mapping library, which will eventually be converted into SQL statements.