看视频说python操作mysql需要安装一个mysql for python的东西,但是本机的python就是2.7,安装的时候提示找不到,也不让自己填写
可是就是提示安装不上,可否有人帮助 一下 是我可以去安装一个别的东西让python连接mysql吗
It’s because the registry does not have the installation information for python2.7. You can just modify the relevant items yourself
Baidu》》Python versin2.7 required, which was not found in the registry.
Install Python DB API, you can operate various databases
That’s because there is a problem with your mysql for python software version.
It’s because the registry does not have the installation information for python2.7. You can just modify the relevant items yourself
Baidu》》Python versin2.7 required, which was not found in the registry.
Install Python DB API, you can operate various databases
That’s because there is a problem with your mysql for python software version.