如上,在iphone上的一个clear app的分割线效果,分割线像陷下去一样,我在Android的RecyclerView中也想实现这种分割线效果,但是想了下没有好的思路,有相关建议或者代码思路吗,谢谢了!
This is displayed using color difference, rather than actual sinking. It is best to ask the artist to provide the color of the line, which is usually produced by 2px lines of different colors.
RecyclerView can use ItemDecoration to create dividing lines. But from what you said 陷下去的效果:建议从Item的背景色入手,Item背景颜色渐变的效果,看似陷下去 the effect.
That one is a picture with a shadow effect, I personally think so
This is displayed using color difference, rather than actual sinking. It is best to ask the artist to provide the color of the line, which is usually produced by 2px lines of different colors.
RecyclerView can use ItemDecoration to create dividing lines.
But from what you said
the effect.That one is a picture with a shadow effect, I personally think so