假设 用户表规划是 2亿 = 500W(每表) 20表(每库) 2库 与 一个用户的总表
当 需要用户互相关注的情况, following 表与 followers 表 (先假设不用分表),表结构分别为
following表 = id,uid(用户id),following_uid(关注人的uid),following_time
followers表 = id,uid(用户id),followers_uid(关注人的uid),followers_time
这样的情况是关联的用户的总表吗? 请大家指教一下,谢谢, 有类似的相关经验也可以
只放redis 不入库这样的方案接受不了。目前想要放redis 且入库
1. Data redundancy, redundant user information that needs to be queried to your attention table, but this is generally not recommended
2. Cache user data, and read it from the cache when querying
The relationship is placed in redis
Check twice. Users do not need a general table. First check followers, then use followers_id array to check profile, and then associate it on the front end.
You can use the list type in redis to store