点击提交 首先url是能访问你的我想知道有什么办法可以检测到 微信服务器给我发了什么 我好调试点
What the WeChat server sends you is a data stream. The code can be written like this
$postStr = file_get_contents('php://input'); $logFile = date('Y-m-d').'wechatPost.log'; file_put_contents($logFile,$postStr,8); //去日志文件里查看
Write statements in wechat.php and store all received parameters in the database $xml = $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'];This can be used to receive xml data received by the server.
Look at WeChat’s documentation https://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki
What the WeChat server sends you is a data stream. The code can be written like this
Write statements in wechat.php and store all received parameters in the database
This can be used to receive xml data received by the server.
Look at WeChat’s documentation https://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki