The old version of springmvc you mentioned has started to support it. Now of course the new version also supports it.
If you want the configuration to be clear and viewable, use simpleurlhandlermapping in the configuration file, and then manually map the url/controller without using javaconfig mode.
Springmvc has been using the existing configuration method since version 3.0. It is very simple to use, but when it comes to maintenance, finding the code is not as easy as the original simpleurlhandlermapping
I don’t know much about Springboot. It seems to be the configuration of Springboot
Idea has a function to look at the configuration of springmvc and see all the URLs you configured are displayed
The old version of springmvc you mentioned has started to support it. Now of course the new version also supports it.
If you want the configuration to be clear and viewable, use simpleurlhandlermapping in the configuration file, and then manually map the url/controller without using javaconfig mode.
Springmvc has been using the existing configuration method since version 3.0. It is very simple to use, but when it comes to maintenance, finding the code is not as easy as the original simpleurlhandlermapping