19-Mar-2017 21:52:54.646 严重 [RMI TCP Connection(2)-] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal One or more listeners failed to start. Full details will be found in the appropriate container log file
19-Mar-2017 21:52:54.661 严重 [RMI TCP Connection(2)-] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal Context [] startup failed due to previous errors
Looking at the content of these 4 lines, it should be that the Listener defined in your program needs to connect to a certain server, but there is a problem when connecting. It is recommended to post the complete log.

I compared them one by one. The package of screenshots you provided. Go out and select the first package you selected. There is no exception in my project. All other packages are there.
The jar package of Spring-webmvc is not imported
When looking at errors, you usually start with the first one. Have you checked whether all the related jar packages of your spring have been imported? ClassNotFoundException is an obvious error~
Check to see if you are missing a bag?